
#6 Something We Can All Learn From

” Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.”

_Groucho Marx

Well, there you have it. Ever since I was young, I have heard times and times again that experience is the best teacher but it just never convinced me. I believe that Experience is a teacher alright just not the best.

Looking at quote, I fell like shouting:” YESS” but I’m refraining myself!!😁 nevertheless, Groucho Marx hit the bull’s eye; we can’t go through life expecting to learn from our own experiences only. We gotta also read, listen to other people’s stories, watch and observe and learn from all that. Learning is a continuous process and it’s not done only through books but also from our entourage. I myself I am an observer, many a times I’ve been accused of staring too much or being shy whereas really all I’m doing is observing people, listening, paying attention to every detail, it’s just like a puzzle to me. But maybe that’s just my weirdness!!😅😅

I don’t know about you but for myself, i have avoided some very serious troubles by learning from others therefore I’m encouraging you to try this new way of learning, you won’t regret it. Also gotta keep in mind that no man’s an island.

If you’re faced with a problem, remember you’re not the first one to face it so before making a decision try to see and research how those that faced it overcame it or if they failed, why and how they failed.

What do you think about that quote? Agree or disagree? Feel free to comment your thoughts.

Much blessings!!

Next on Quote Dictionary: ” Problem Solving: Einsten’s Formula”